Friday, March 31, 2006

KMLImporter in SVN

KMLImporter will (not) be included in 1.3.4 and therefore new versions are automatically available in SVN
Either do a checkout from SVN or view the file on the web
The famous version 42 has been reached


Anonymous said...

Hi- I'm trying to enter a URL to pull dynamic kml/kmz from a remote server. I can load a file successfully, but how do you enter a URL as a NetworkLink? Thanks.

ShockFire said...

Here's an example of a kml including a NetworkLink
Simply change the name, description and url to whatever you want

Anonymous said...

No luck...big string of xml errors. I can save the exact same data as a file, however, and it works fine with KMLImporter. Please let me know if there's a better place to discuss this issue in detail: w7mjr[AT]yahoo[DOT]com Thanks.